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Tuesday, October 23, 2012


My natural hair color is a dirty brown , hoping to add some highlights to it , just to change it up a little bit.

When i'm taking a break from the fro i prefer braids , long , blonde braids.

The hair looks like a ball of something fluffy 

My hair its been about a year now , proud of all the hard work.

Me with relaxed hair  in 2010 , as you can see my hair was so brittle and fragile. 
Hello :D 

So its been over a year since i cut all my hair off , and started a new journey of hair growth which i must say has been really been hard physically and emotionally , but i'm here i'm happy and i love my little curly , kinky soft hair that just dont care. 

When i first cut my hair i cried i just ended a two year relationship so i figured i should just cut it all off , good idea at the time , when i looked in the mirror i looked like a boy which was a major hit to my ego , i did not see myself as beautiful. 

It's been one hec of a year , having an afro is not the easiest thing in the world , as much as i recruit all my friends to go natural it takes a lot of time and patience , understanding and dedication. 

Thank God for the natural hair world , i can name tons of sites i've visited and videos on youtube I've watched and asking friends who were natural before me. There an entire community out there , which is ready yo answer questions and provide support. 

It is just hair at the end of the day , but your hair will either enhance the person you are or bring you down emotionally , many hair bloggers I've come across have even changed their style due to going natural , its given them a sense of confidence to explore fashion in many different ways. My style has not changed at , I've always been experimental with fashion. I love Fashion. 

Natural haired lades are taking over the social scene , you see models with afro's in national and International publications  adverts and all around you. Just always remain true to who you are no matter ho you choose to wear you hair , remember you are beautiful , because the Lord created you in His image. 


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